Feast of Panagia Tsabika at Archangelos

Feast of Panagia Tsabika at Archangelos

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The Feast of Panagia Tsabika celebrates Virgin Mary’s birthday on 8 September. Crowds of people arrive to the two monasteries dedicated to the Virgin to receive her blessing and worship at her church. Panakia Tsabika is famous for its numerous miracles, and it is best known for helping women have children. Many childless women promise a votive offering to the Lady so they can have a child. The Virgin is considered the patroness of childless couples. Panakia Tsabika blesses the island of Rhodes offering the faithful peace and serenity, as well as her name, ‘Tsabikos’/’Tsabika’. There are two version for its etymology: One comes from the ancient word “Sambyki”, a type of sea vessel, because the hill the icon was found on looks like a ship. The second version comes from the local word ‘tsaba’, which means ‘sparkle’ and it is associated with the finding of the icon.

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08-09-2023 to

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