The custom of St. Andrew Trypotigana or Trypotiganiti (Frying pan hole-poker) by “Ampernalli” Association on 29 Novermber, on the eve of St. Andrew’s name day.
According to the custom, if a housewife neglected making doughnuts or pancakes on his feast, they had their frying pans poked by the Saint as a punishment.
This is a ‘warming’ custom for the cold weather approaching, since St. Andrew is the harbinger of winter, as the cold starts getting more intense after the saint’s name day.
In Soroni, in the old times, groups of friends wandered at night like ghosts (kaoi); they climbed up the roofs and dropped a stretch of rope with a small tin hanging from it down the chimney, challenging housewives to fill it with doughnuts. In some cases, the tin was lowered in front of the entrance door and someone of the group knocked to make the housewife open the door while they ran away.
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